Douglas Blonsky

During Doug Blonsky’s time as President and CEO of the Central Park Conservancy, he fostered innovation, secured nearly a billion dollars in funding, and oversaw the successful management of hundreds of restoration projects that revived New York’s most important green space into the beloved oasis it is today.

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During Doug Blonsky’s time as President and CEO of the Central Park Conservancy, he fostered innovation, secured nearly a billion dollars in funding, and oversaw the successful management of hundreds of restoration projects that revived New York’s most important green space into the beloved oasis it is today.

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 Lawns were mostly dirt, the Belvedere Castle was tagged with graffiti, and broken benches were just sad reminders of a time when the park was filled with life.

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Blonsky’s leadership & 41 years of the Central Park Conservancy, New York’s Central Park is one of the most famous and beautiful parks in the world.


Doug has developed innovative management and preservation practices that have set the standard for urban park management worldwide including his own park, trash, and event management systems along with establishing the Institute for Urban Parks.

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Influence & Awards

Doug is an accomplished and highly sought public speaker who collaborates with parks and lectures internationally. Take a look at the many parks throughout the world he has helped transform.

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Central Park in Quest for $300 Million

The New York Times

A $100 Million Thank-you

The New York Times

” When he joined the Conservancy more than 30 years ago, Central Park was strewn with trash and mattresses, a haven for drug dealing and prostitution. Today, fewer than 100 crimes are reported each year while more than 40 million visitors enjoy its pristine paths and amenities. “

High Point Associates